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RSRT launches cash-in-transit inquiry

The Road Safety Remuneration Tribunal, which has had an uncertain future since the Coalition won office last year, has announced an inquiry into the cash-in-transit industry.

Rewarding workers with Coke and pizza belongs in dark ages: Court

Giving teenage employees free and discounted pizzas and soft drink instead of wages – a practice belonging "in the dark ages rather than twenty first century Australia" – has cost a pizza franchise operator $335,000 in fines.

FSU to seek NAB performance pay flow-on

The FSU will push to flow on changes in performance pay agreed with the National Australia Bank into upcoming bargaining grounds at the other three big banks.

Labour productivity and sound economy underpin 3% wage rise

A positive economic outlook and sustained labour productivity improvement are key factors in yesterday's Fair Work Commission's decision to award a 3% increase to award rates of pay, with the minimum wage panel again advising employer groups that they need to introduce more rigour to their surveys if they are to have any influence on the tribunal's deliberations.

News Flash: Award wages up by 3% from July 1

The Fair Work Commission has this afternoon awarded the nation's award-reliant workers a 3% increase, lifting the national minimum wage by $18.70, in this year's annual wage review ruling.

Minimum wage panel member denies conflict of interest

The ACTU's bid to remove former senior public servant Tony Cole from this year's annual wage review has failed, after he told the peak body in a consultation hearing this morning that he would not step down because he was not a party to the Audit Commission's recommendation to reduce the minimum wage.

Tugboat action threatens iron ore exports

Tugboat workers in Port Hedland, the outlet for much of Australia's iron ore exports, have endorsed legally protected industrial action in pursuit of improved pay and conditions in a new agreement.