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Code can trigger re-negotiation of construction major's deal

Lendlease has struck a new multi-state enterprise agreement with the CFMEU that will deliver pay rises of 20% over four years and provides for a new deal to be negotiated if the Turnbull Government's 2014 construction code takes effect.

New ABC enterprise deal riles Government

The Turnbull Government has accused ABC management of breaching the public sector bargaining policy, expressing "utmost concern" after a new enterprise agreement covering 5000 employees was voted up this week.

Labour hire managers fined for concealing $130,000 in unlawful deductions

A director who appears to be operating a "phoenix" labour hire company and his former HR manager have been penalised $25,000 for their knowing involvement in unlawfully deducting $130,000 from the wages of 102 Crown Casino and Federation Square cleaners and providing false records to the FWO.

FWC weighs up the merits of "soft" and "hard" minimum pay targets

An FWC panel has asked whether medium term minimum wage "guidance targets" could provide the predictability of firmer targets but has acknowledged that unions might be concerned the latter will "bump up" against the legislation.

Share gender equity responsibility between HR and managers: Report

Responsibility for gender equity strategies should be partially devolved from centralised HR departments to line managers, and training to combat "unconscious bias" in selection processes should be mandated for supervisors and managers, according to a new report on barriers to women's career advancement in higher education.

Annualised salary deal didn't specify award opt-outs, says court

A court has cleared the way for an employee to pursue claims for $29,000 in allegedly unpaid overtime and lunch breaks after finding her employment contract failed to specify the provisions of the clerks award that would be bought out in her annualised salary.

Bargained private-sector pay rises resume 3%-plus growth

Pay rises in private-sector enterprise deals have climbed back above 3%, coinciding with a big reduction in agreement-making in retail and hospitality, according to the Department of Employment.