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Federal Court to decide whether BOOT on state or federal footing

A full Federal Court will in August hear an application from Queensland employers facing millions of dollars in backpay claims following a full FWC bench decision that apprentices' pay should be measured against the more generous federal award rather than the state award when conducting the BOOT.

Penalty rate cuts in a spin after series of backflips

Two important minor parties – the Nick Xenophon Team and Pauline Hanson's One Nation – have reversed their support for cutting penalty rates in the retail and hospitality sectors.

ACTU seeks 6.7% minimum wage rise

The ACTU is asking the FWC for a $45 a week or 6.7% increase in the national minimum wage, as it begins a push under its fresh leadership to lift minimum rates towards a new benchmark against average weekly earnings.

Court decides whether worker a priest or a cook

After what the FWO says is the first judicial review of one of its compliance notices, the Federal Circuit Court has found that a cook engaged at a Hindu temple was underpaid because he was wrongly classified as a priest under his employment contract.

Owner-drivers hail new transport industry rates determination

NSW owner-drivers and contractors have lauded the finalisation of new transport industry rates and conditions after the NSWIRC approved the updating and geographical expansion of 'contracts of carriage' that had not been reviewed in more than 30 years.

RBA ponders reasons for "surprisingly low" wage growth

The RBA has conceded its forecasts for wage growth have been "consistently too strong" for at least the past five years, but says there is limited evidence that the low rises are due to workers’ declining bargaining power.

MBA's first female chief quick to back ABCC in focus on productivity

Supporting the ABCC, improving business productivity and attracting more women into the building industry are among the top priorities for new Master Builders Australia chief executive Denita Wawn, who will take over the top job from Wilhelm Harnisch later this month.

Gender pay gap widens where women hold most top jobs: Report

A new report reveals that while increasing the proportion of an organisation's female managers reduces the gender pay gap, it perversely blows out again when the majority of senior positions are held by women.