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Big pay jump for HR and IR hires in Queensland

Queensland employers will have to pay a substantially higher base salary for newly-hired HR and IR managers, according to a remuneration survey released today.

Bargained private sector pay rises return to 3% a year

Average wage increases in private sector agreements approved in the September quarter have reached 3% a year for the first time since 2016, according to Jobs Department data released today.

No sign of wages upturn: Analysis

Newly-released ABS data confirms the stagnation of wage increases in the private sector, according to analysis by the Centre for Future Work.

Uber class action goes national

Maurice Blackburn has massively expanded the size and reach of its Victoria-generated class action against Uber, reaching out around the country and targeting the period when the ride share company started to operate in 2014, before state-based transport laws were changed.

Early childhood teachers working without a safety net: IEU

The IEU is seeking increases to the teachers' modern award that would lift rates by up to $23,000 a year or a flat 25%, this week telling the FWC that its work value claim on behalf of early childhood teachers cannot wait until the next four-yearly review.

Unfair procedure no automatic ticket to overturn rulings: Bench

An FWC full bench has upheld a decision that rejected a multinational drilling company's deal without first inviting it to respond to every concern, confirming that a denial of procedural fairness would not have guaranteed a new hearing anyway.

$1 billion class action could redefine sub-contracting arrangements

The union advising Shine Lawyers on a $1 billion bid to recoup wages and entitlements for 4000 telecommunications workers allegedly misclassified as sub-contractors says the class action could finally answer a question historically avoided via settlement.

Casual pay premium a myth: ACTU paper

The ACTU has released a new paper which argues that most casual workers get nowhere near the 25% loading due to them, instead receiving a "modest wage premium" of 4% to 5% more than permanent employees.

Merivale's 2007 deal an "undeserved" advantage: Union

As United Voice seeks to quash a 2007 "zombie" agreement at Justin Hemmes' Merivale hospitality company on the basis that workers would be better off under the award, the FWO says it found no "non-compliance issues" when it audited the company in May.

Gender pay gap closing, no thanks to some: WGEA

The gender pay gap has dropped from 24.7% to 21.3% over the past five years but many companies are still harbouring an "action gap", with policies in place but no accountability for implementing them, says the Workplace Gender Equality Agency.