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4.6% initial pay rise under ACOSS deal

The FWC has this week approved a new agreement for the Australia Council of Social Service that lifts pay by the 4.6% rise in award minimum rates, provides new paid cultural and First Nations leave and enables employees to take a substitute public holiday for the January 26 "Invasion Day".

Paid "climate disaster" leave in new deal

A proposed new agreement for the Australian Youth Climate Coalition provides substantial upfront pay rises and entitlements to five days paid climate disaster leave, 30 days paid gender affirmation leave and 12% super contributions, while it replaces workplace breastfeeding provisions with "chestfeeding" rights.

NSW Labor pledges to axe public sector pay cap

The NSW Opposition has promised today that if it takes power at the March election, it will scrap the decade-old public sector wages cap and replace it with a productivity-based bargaining system.

No sign of rise in bargained private sector pay rises: A-G's Dept

In the wake of the RBA governor's warning about the risks of a wage-price spiral, new A-G's department data shows that bargained pay rises are flatlining at 2.7% a year in the private sector, rising at little more than half the 5.1% rate of headline consumer price inflation.

RBA hasn't understood wages "for a long time": Kelty

Former ACTU secretary and RBA director Bill Kelty has thrown his weight behind appointing someone with a union background to the Reserve Bank board, saying in the wake of claims about its limited perspectives that the central bank has not understood how wages operate "for a long time".

Women earn less than men in every age cohort: WGEA

The WGEA is urging employers to boost part-time workers' access to management roles and implement gender-neutral leave policies, as gender pay gap research shows women make up less than half of the full-time workforce and are out-earned by men at every age.

Big fines loom after threats to exploited cooks

In what a lawyer believes will result in one of the biggest wage theft penalty orders to date, the Federal Court has found an employer significantly underpaid two cooks, made "cashback" demands to recoup payroll tax and visa costs and used threats to ensure compliance.

Rising job mobility allied with higher wages: RBA paper

A new RBA report says that greater job mobility tends to be associated with higher individual and aggregate wages and makes it clear the "great resignation" is a distinctly American and British phenomenon.