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Profits part of the problem: RBA

In a shift in emphasis after calling for limits on pay rises to avoid a wage-price spiral, RBA Governor Philip Lowe today called for businesses to avoid using skyrocketing inflation "as cover" for increasing their profit margins.

Journalists secure industry-first paid internships

MEAA members have accepted a new enterprise agreement covering journalists at Nine's publishing operations, which delivers pay rises of 7.5% over two years and ends unpaid internships as part of a broader push to improve newsroom diversity.

Curb employer wage-setting power: OECD

Teleworking, retraining and enhanced collective bargaining could lift pay growth that has been constrained by Australia's relatively "monopsonistic" labour market that gives a few dominant employers the upper hand in wage-setting, according to the OECD.

Axe paves way for vax maker's global pay model

The FWC has agreed to terminate a transnational CSL subsidiary's agreement, clearing the way for it to move senior employees onto a "global remuneration model", after accepting that it "meaningfully" consulted its workforce about the implications.

No bias in questioning HR chief's actions: FWC bench

An employer has been given a final chance to respond without compulsion to concerns about a recently-approved deal, after a FWC bench dismissed an "unusual" application for it to recuse itself over perceived bias.

FWC set to publish "real-time" agreement wages data

The FWC has promised today to provide "real-time" data on bargained pay rises, with plans to issue fortnightly reports on wage movements in enterprise agreement approval applications, with the first "proposed report" showing a 3.2% average annualised rise in the first two weeks of July, well ahead of the last official departmental number for the March quarter of 2.7%.

Westpac offers cash bonus to get 4% deal over line

Westpac is holding out a $1000 incentive to encourage employees to vote up its proposed agreement that promises a 4% rise in January for employees earning less than $95,000, when inflation is forecast to reach almost 8%, but the FSU says it should be increasing its base pay offer as the union pursues a 6% boost.

Wages far higher in last employment boom: Burke

The nexus between low unemployment and rising wages is broken, with the "hydraulic pressure" of a tight labour market undermined by systemic "leaks" and "loopholes", according to workplace relations minister Tony Burke.

Qantas lands deals, but turbulence on horizon

Qantas has secured new deals with freight pilots and unlicenced aircraft engineers but the threat of turmoil looms, with licensed engineers voting to stop work, ground crew considering it and the FAAA claiming domestic fight attendants are facing ultimatums.