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54 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Communications and social media

CFMMEU renews push for "just transition"

As the mining union prepares to ramp-up its campaign for a "just transition" for workers whose future is disrupted by climate change, its leader has warned the Labor Party that to take power at the next election, it must win the Central Queensland seats that contain thousands of coal mining and power workers.

Sign of the times as 100-year-old journal bites the dust

The CFMMEU's mining and energy division has accelerated its shift to communicating with members via electronic channels, after ceasing publication of its almost century-old journal, Common Cause.

McManus set to outline ACTU change agenda

The ACTU's policy pitch for the next election will include the right for casual workers to convert to permanent after six months, equal rights for workers in the gig economy and a overhaul of labour hire regulation.

Union officials say they were unlawfully bugged

Former union leader Julie Bignell is among of a group of senior elected officials and employees of Together Queensland who have complained to the ROC and privacy commissioner over alleged unlawful and unauthorised covert in-house surveillance of their emails and keystrokes during a protracted merger process completed three years ago.

Unilever seeks to terminate ice cream factory agreement

Unilever has applied to terminate an enterprise agreement for a Streets ice cream plant in Sydney, where bargaining is deadlocked despite more than a year of interest-based bargaining before the Fair Work Commission.

Social media is workers' "new weapon": Union leader

Victorian unions are preparing to run a long social media campaign to secure the reinstatement of 16 Crown Casino workers after receiving advice that the outsourcing of their work is probably lawful

Middle names required for valid entry: Court

An employer who refused requests by police and an OHS inspector to allow two CFMEU officials onto her building site to investigate a Facebook-notified safety issue has avoided an $18,500 penalty because the union's notice of entry did not include the officials' middle names.