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170 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Campaigns, lobbying and advertising

Nurse to patient ratios on the agenda for NSW election

In a battle of recruitment and rostering promises, the nurses and midwives union is calling on NSW's Berejiklian Government to match the state Opposition's pledge to fund legislated nurse-to-patient ratios of 1:4 during the day, 1:7 on night shifts and 1:3 for midwives if it wins the March 23 state election.

TWU to disrupt Uber's public listing

The TWU will throw its weight behind a global campaign aimed at disrupting Uber's anticipated public float next year by drawing attention to the company's regulatory battles and persistent concerns about the gig economy model.

CFMMEU renews push for "just transition"

As the mining union prepares to ramp-up its campaign for a "just transition" for workers whose future is disrupted by climate change, its leader has warned the Labor Party that to take power at the next election, it must win the Central Queensland seats that contain thousands of coal mining and power workers.

Data harvesting among reasons to boost teacher pay: IEU

Citing more complex demands such as data harvesting, the IEU has in addition to its bid for an equal remuneration order on behalf of 15,000 early childhood teachers now lodged an alternative work value claim to increase salary levels by between 11% and 34%, or to implement a uniform 25% pay rise.

Pickers to test vulnerable workers laws

Five migrant fruit pickers at the centre of a $10 million Federal Court claim against a labour hire company and its owners are seeking to be recognised as casuals, alleging their contracts for piecework were invalid and based average take home pay on an unrealistic workload.

Union sin-binned over garbled message in XXXX dispute

The union leading the campaign against prospective job losses at a major brewery is at risk of being sidelined after the FWC found it "reached the line between [unacceptably careless disregard] and. . . deliberate non-compliance" in failing to communicate restraining notices to members.

Unions back 20 years' jail for industrial deaths

The ACTU's triennial Congress has endorsed a proposal for state and federal governments to enact industrial manslaughter laws, after maritime union leader Chris Cain told delegates that employers who recklessly kill workers should face $20 million fines and 20 years behind bars.