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172 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Campaigns, lobbying and advertising

Union "hack" did not damage NRMA brand: Court

The NRMA has lost a case that could have brought the entire field of IR within the operation of consumer legislation, after it failed to establish that the CFMMEU's maritime division breached consumer laws and maliciously damaged its brand during negotiations for Manly Fast Ferry workers.

NRMA sues union over logo use

In a novel claim accusing the CFMMEU's maritime division of breaching intellectual property and consumer laws during negotiations for Manly Fast Ferry workers, the NRMA is suing the union for significant damages allegedly caused by using its logo in campaign material.

ETU readies for action over underpaid casuals

The ETU's newly re-elected leadership has reaffirmed its commitment to pursue underpayments to long-term casuals, vowing to conduct a targeted national program of timesheet and wage record inspections to build its case.

CFMMEU divisions split over Adani

The CFMMEU has split along divisional lines in Queensland over support for the controversial Adani coal mine, with the union's construction division calling on the State government not to be "conned by corporate carpetbaggers".

Coles buys into "safe and fair" produce supply chain

An alliance between three unions to cover the agricultural supply chain says it has won agreement from the supermarket giant Coles to "pursue safe and fair conditions" for workers in the fresh produce and meat sectors.

Re-elected union leader claims mandate to lead climate action

Long-serving leader of Together Queensland, Alex Scott, says the success of his team in union elections gives it a mandate to campaign for a stronger worker voice on climate change, while its goal to raise $5 million over years will help it fight "hostile" government attacks on the public sector.

Unions launch Change the Government ad campaign

The ACTU has today launched a multi-platform advertising that urges voters to vote the Coalition out to ditch its "unAustralian" IR system and enable unions' Change the Rules agenda.

ACTU to push Labor to review FWC's "stacked" deck

The composition and role of the Fair Work Commission "must be re-examined" due to Coalition governments appointing 20 consecutive members from an employer background, according to an internal ACTU report.