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175 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Campaigns, lobbying and advertising

Most flexibility requests granted, but room to improve: Report

The NSW public sector granted more than 87% of women's requests for flexible work ahead of COVID-19, according to a large PSA member survey that says the pandemic has proved there is still room for improvement in the Berejiklian Government's "if not why not" policy.

Unions set to endorse WFH rights charter

The ACTU's national executive is today debating a Working from Home Charter of Rights, which will call for those working remotely to enjoy pay and conditions equal to those offered to on-site employees and have access to arbitration of disputes.

"Regressive" IR system prompts teachers' inquiry into work value

The NSW Teachers Federation says the state's "regressive" IR system and the denial of its ability to run a work value case has prompted it to commission an independent inquiry to support bargaining, being live-streamed today.

Virgin management assuages union with jobs commitment

The TWU will resume enterprise bargaining talks with Virgin Australia after being reassured by the incoming management that the airline intends to fulfil a previous commitment to "ultimately employ" about 6000 workers.

Court scuppers FWO's unlawful strike case against seafarers

The FWO's pursuit of penalties over a crew's "sit-in" on a decommissioned trading vessel has been potentially scuppered by a Federal Court finding that they were not covered by an agreement at the time.

Union proposes shaving hours to save Virgin jobs

The union representing licensed aircraft maintenance engineers will try to negotiate a shorter working week with Virgin Australia's designated buyer in order to minimise redundancies.

Workers subsidising NDIS: Report

A major union-commissioned study has found the NDIS workforce is "carrying the costs andĀ risks" of disability service provision, performing high levels of unpaid work and unable to recoup significant out of pocket expenses

Unions hold talks on aviation's COVID-19 crisis

Aviation unions will tomorrow convene crisis talks on the future of the virus-hit Australian industry, which will include Virgin Australia chief executive Paul Scurrah and an architect of the industry superannuation movement, Garry Weaven.