Campaigns, lobbying and advertising page 7 of 18

175 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Campaigns, lobbying and advertising

FWO pursues CFMMEU over rancorous picket

The Fair Work Ombudsman has begun Federal Court action against the CFMMEU and five union officials stemming from the bitter 2017-18 dispute at Glencore's Oaky North coal mine in Queensland, which included a seven-month lockout and picket.

Unions left stewing as another Aldi deal approved

Aldi has overcome union resistance to lock in another four-year deal at a major distribution centre by again terminating a contentious earlier agreement more than two and a half years before its nominal expiry.

CPI on rise; New JIR editors sought; & more

CPI rises to 0.9% annually as virus effects unwind; IR journal seeking new editors; and "Stop the bus": CFMMEU, ETU push crossbenchers to reject Bill.

Full court dismisses Aldi's attempt to nobble union campaign

Aldi has again failed to rein-in the TWU over its long-running "safe rates" campaign, with a full Federal Court confirming that the union is not constrained by consumer law prohibitions on misleading or deceptive conduct.

Pandemic drives rise in migrant worker exploitation: Report

The underpayment of migrant workers significantly worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a large Unions NSW audit revealing 88% of a sample of foreign language job ads in the state offered below award wages.