Campaigns, lobbying and advertising page 5 of 18

175 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Campaigns, lobbying and advertising

Research aids ACTU bid for paid FDV leave

The ACTU's bid for 10 days paid family and domestic violence leave has been bolstered by new FWC-commissioned research indicating that a third of recent agreements have a paid entitlement and half of those deals provide at least the quantum the peak body is seeking.

Truckies' strike still on cards as TWU chases full deck

The TWU says it has reached in-principle agreements with four more big trucking and logistics companies as it continues campaigning against "Amazon-driven" outsourcing, while warning three remaining targets they face strikes this week.

Negotiation breakthrough eases truckies' strike threat

The TWU says Toll workers will not participate in planned national strikes next week if delegates accept an in-principle deal struck with the transport group that includes improved job security and an industry-first 15% employer superannuation contribution.

Vale MUA leader John Coombs

The MUA and broader labour movement have expressed deep sadness at the death today at 81 of John Coombs, who led the union through the bitter 1998 waterfront dispute as it faced down a government-backed plan to lock out its members and replace them with a non-union workforce at key stevedore Patrick.

CFMMEU drops Powerhouse green ban

The CFMMEU construction and general division's NSW branch has defended its decision to lift a green ban on historic buildings in Parramatta that had been slated for demolition under controversial plans to shift the Powerhouse Museum from inner-city Ultimo.

Qantas to appeal outsourcing judgment as workers ask for jobs back

Qantas says it will appeal today's Federal Court finding it breached adverse action provisions in outsourcing the remainder of its ground handling jobs while grappling with the pandemic, maintaining it was motivated "only by lawful commercial reasons".

Amazon monitoring union site visits: SDA

Union officials are under "constant surveillance" every time they go to an Amazon Australia workplace, a Senate committee has heard.

Department hits back at nurses' "rigid" ratio campaign

In the wake of NSW public sector nurses taking industrial action in pursuit of nurse-to-patient ratios, NSW Health says they "do not reflect modern rostering practises", even though they are used in the Labor states of Queensland and Victoria.