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Follow Queensland's lead on wages cap: NSW Unions

NSW unions have called on the Perrottet Coalition Government to loosen the State's public sector pay cap after a Queensland offer to nurses that will deliver 11% in pay rises over three years plus "cost of living top-up payments" of up to 3% a year. 

DoorDash deal sets gig economy standard: TWU

The TWU has struck a landmark agreement with food delivery business DoorDash on "core principles" for gig economy work that extends "appropriate" rights and entitlements to drivers and ensures they have a "collective voice" and access to dispute resolution.

CFMMEU pushing "same job, same pay" in key electorates

The main union representing coal mineworkers is pouring resources into advocating for Labor's election pledge of "same job, same pay" for labour hire workers across key resources seats in NSW and Queensland.

Union TV commercials highlight "flatlining" wages

The ACTU's first television advertisement of the election campaign seeks to sheet home the blame for wage stagnation to Prime Minister Scott Morrison's "inaction".

Unions seeking to break Coalition stranglehold in Queensland

With Labor holding just a handful of the 30 federal seats in Queensland ahead of the May 21 election, unions are pouring resources into three Coalition-held electorates and say their messages on job security and wage stagnation and are "resonating" with voters.

Federal cops union seeks wages cap exemption

The Australian Federal Police Association will use the national election campaign to push for its thousands of members to be exempted from the wages cap and efficiency dividend that applies across the APS.

FWC "balance" among Federal election battlegrounds

The FWC faces major changes after the May 21 Federal election, with the winner entrusted with appointing a successor to President Iain Ross and Labor pledging to "rebalance" the tribunal after a succession of appointments from an employer background.

Health workers add momentum to campaign to bust NSW pay cap

Striking NSW paramedics and hospital workers will on Thursday add to mounting pressure on the Perrottet Government to ditch its 2.5% cap on public sector pay rises, deliver a significant catch-up increase, update awards and open up productivity-based bargaining.

"No basis" for inserting paid FDV in awards: ACCI

Ahead of Friday's final full bench hearing into the ACTU's case for introducing paid family domestic violence leave into modern awards, the ACCI says it should have "little confidence" in the cost-benefit analyses provided by the union peak body's expert witnesses.

Amazon's might fails to dash nascent union's representation bid

The global labour movement has hailed the first successful ballot to be represented by a union at Amazon's US operations, in a David and Goliath struggle over a warehouse in New York City which is expected to energise organising in the US and around the world.