Campaigns, lobbying and advertising page 13 of 18

172 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Campaigns, lobbying and advertising

Construction code protests to shut down building sites next week

The CFMEU will stage a national day of protest next week as tensions rise in the construction industry over the coming deadline for having code-compliant agreements to avoid being barred from winning Commonwealth-funded contracts.

Wages fix about bargaining "where the power is": ACTU

Expanding on its theme that the wages system is "broken", the ACTU will seek to change workplace laws so workers and unions can bargain "where the power is" across industries and franchised employers, rather than being limited to the enterprise level.

Emirates subsidiary to go-around

An Emirates airlines group subsidiary has made a last-minute decision to withdraw a new enterprise agreement for ground-handling work that faced strong opposition from the ASU and TWU.

ACTU seeks 6.7% minimum wage rise

The ACTU is asking the FWC for a $45 a week or 6.7% increase in the national minimum wage, as it begins a push under its fresh leadership to lift minimum rates towards a new benchmark against average weekly earnings.

ACTU "muscling-up" under McManus

New ACTU secretary Sally McManus is making senior campaign and legal appointments as she seeks to build the organisation's capacity.

New ACTU leader to push for major overhaul of IR laws

Newly-elected ACTU secretary, Sally McManus, has blasted "corporate greed" and pledged to win major changes to workplace laws, which will include pushing for stronger action from future Labor governments.

AWU to develop "social membership" category

The AWU is considering the creation of a "social membership" category for supporters of the organisation and its campaigns on industrial, social and economic matters.

Cash rallying employers to take up defence of penalty rate cuts

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash is trying to drum up public support from business and employer groups for the Fair Work Commission's landmark decision to cut Sunday penalty rates for some retail and hospitality workers.