Entry permits/entry rights page 10 of 18

179 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Entry permits/entry rights

FWC comes to emotional rescue of CFMMEU leader

The FWC has renewed the entry permit of CFMMEU construction and general division WA branch president and organiser Vinnie Molina, on the condition that he undertake "emotional management" training to prevent a recurrence of infractions for which he has been fined almost $17,000 since 2012.

"My boss is bigger than yours" alleged entry breach: ABCC

Having only recently been given the all-clear over a heavily-scrutinised $75,000 payment while at the CEPU, former Unions Tasmania secretary and political aspirant Kevin Harkins will face a Federal Court judge next month as the ABCC pursues him over "abusive" entry breaches.

FWC says entry ban "conceivable", but rejects ABCC case

The FWC has thrown out the ABCC's latest bid to block a high-profile CFMMEU leader from visiting worksites, warning that any future applications will need "actual evidence" that he controlled officials and failed to address their actions.

Alleged lawlessness no design of "fairly administrative" leader: Union

One of the CFMMEU's most pugnacious leaders has been described before the FWC as performing a "fairly administrative sort of role" as the union fends off ABCC arguments his entry permit shouldn't be renewed on the basis that he oversees a culture of lawlessness.

Court decision chips at unions' liability for officials' breaches

A Federal Court judge has upended the recently-adopted precept that unions are vicariously responsible for entry breaches by officials under the Fair Work Act's 'liabilities of bodies corporate' clause, declaring that a close examination of related cases reveals no support for the contention.

Bench refuses to disturb finding that Hadgkiss questioning "inexcusable"

A full Federal Court has found that a CFMEU official breached the Fair Work Act's "hinder or obstruct" prohibition for permit-holders when he "liberally" swore at a safety inspector, but rejected the ABCC's argument that it was denied procedural fairness when the trial judge described former Commissioner Nigel Hadgkiss's questioning of a witness as "inexcusable".

High Court rules unions can represent "eligible" non-members

The High Court has confirmed that unions are entitled to run underpayment and other contravention cases for un-named classes of employees who are eligible for membership but are not members, paving the way for a pilots union to advance an adverse action claim on behalf of Regional Express cadets.