Entry permits/entry rights page 6 of 18

179 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Entry permits/entry rights

Court rebuffs ABCC take on CFMMEU "corrective measures"

The Federal Court has rejected the ABCC's "cynical" view of CFMMEU-commissioned entry rights training for an inexperienced organiser who pushed over a Fulton Hogan manager when pressing to access parts of a Monash Freeway project site in 2017.

Court heads off CFMMEU's subterranean turf bid

The CFMMEU has failed in an interlocutory court bid to enter tunnelling sites at Brisbane's $5 billion Cross River Rail Project, in the midst of a demarcation dispute with the AWU.

FWC forced to devise workaround to replace lost permit

For the second time in a year, the FWC has assessed the suitability of a CPSU organiser to hold an entry permit after finding it lacked the power to simply replace her stolen one.

Police face big bill as unions affirm entry rights

In an expensive case for Queensland Police that is said to affirm the rights of entry permit holders federally, the State's Court of Appeal has quashed a finding that a group of union officials trespassed by refusing to leave when an employer denied them entry.

New entry permit denied for CFMMEU organiser

The FWC has refused to renew the entry permit of a CFMMEU construction division organiser it previously directed to undertake "emotional management" training, finding his role in an unlawful 2018 strike showed promises to reform when elected WA branch president did not play out.

Entry permit suspended for CFMMEU's Harkins

Apologies and claims that he conducted himself "out of character" have not spared a union official having his entry permit suspended over a confrontation in which he told a site foreman he did "give a f--k" what happened because he was near the end of his career.

Entry permit pared after official's penalty confusion

A senior FWC member has belatedly imposed conditions on an AWU-CFMMEU Offshore Alliance official's entry permit after an employer association revealed he failed to disclose penalties for organising unlawful industrial action.

Court fines trigger entry ban for union leader

A CFMMEU leader fighting cartel charges that carry the threat of 10 years' jail has had his entry permit suspended after a senior FWC member clarified the point at which he was "found" to have breached Fair Work Act provisions.

Ravbar put through ABCC mincer over entry permit

The ABCC's recent good run against the CFMMEU has continued after the FWC confirmed a high-profile union leader seeking a new entry permit would first have to plumb 14 years of internal communications to ascertain what role, if any, he had in trying to temper the organisation's rule-breaking ways.

Organiser's permit suspended despite playing "inexperience" card

A union official has had his entry permit suspended for three months despite the FWC accepting that his inexperience, having "come off the tools" only months earlier, played a part in his organising of an unlawful stopwork four years ago.