Leadership/officeholders and liability page 32 of 35

342 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Leadership/officeholders and liability

Thomson's escort allegations to be re-aired in civil case

Fair Work Commission general manager Bernadette O'Neill has today asked the Federal Court to "re-enliven" parts of her civil proceedings against former HSU national secretary, Craig Thomson.

Asmar returned as HSU branch leader

The secretary of the HSU's Victoria No 1 branch, Diana Asmar, has been returned with a resounding majority, but still faces scrutiny over the branch's alleged failure to follow procedures for issuing entry permits to organisers.

FWC rules Target HR capability means no need for legal help; & more

Target has enough HR staff to not need legal representation; Data upload difficulties lead to time extension; Mental health provider given go-ahead to employ ATSI people only; Biggest ever electronic ballot gets go-ahead for DHS; and Former retail group head facing fraud charges.

Jackson wins stay of execution as HSU incumbents returned

Kathy Jackson's lawyer has succeeded in staving off the HSU's bid for a $700,000 summary judgment against her for now, with the Federal Court ordering him to provide more medical evidence of her condition.

HSU adds $660,000 to Jackson's bill

The HSU has told the Federal Court that bank records it has obtained while pursuing its $700,000 civil claims against national secretary Kathy Jackson reveal that she has incurred hundreds of thousands of dollars of additional unauthorised spending, but the union might allow "other authorities" to pursue the sums on its behalf.

Gillard before Royal Commission on Wednesday

Former Victorian Solicitor-General John Cain will give evidence tomorrow and former prime minister Julia Gillard on Wednesday as the Heydon Royal Commission resumes its investigation of the alleged slush fund linked to the AWU in the early 1990s.

HSU leader denies right of entry test rorts

ACTU computer records suggest a single person sat the online right of entry permit tests for six HSU Victorian No 1 branch officials according to counsel assisting the Heydon Royal Commission, but the branch's secretary Diana Asmar has flatly denied she gave instructions for such a practice to occur.