Leadership/officeholders and liability page 29 of 35

342 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Leadership/officeholders and liability

Organiser's conspiracy theory a "bit rich" says FWC

Former CFMEU official Ben Loakes' claims the union conspired to have him sacked have been rejected by the FWC after it found the official's evidence did not stand up to "any scrutiny".

FWBC seeks to revoke leader's permit for conduct of his officials

The FWBC has challenged on "general integrity" grounds the granting of an unconditional entry permit to the CFMEU construction and general division Queensland branch secretary Michael Ravbar, telling an FWC full bench he is vicariously liable for conduct by his officials that has attracted close to $1m in penalties.

AMWU officials challenge plan to make them redundant

The AMWU has responded to the continued loss of Australian manufacturing jobs and falling union membership by making 11 officials redundant in Victoria and NSW over recent months.

Former officials kept luxury ute purchases secret, says TWU

The TWU has defended its handling of "questionable conduct" by two former secretaries of its WA branch over the purchase of two $150,000 "luxury utilities", which has been investigated by the Heydon Royal Commission.

New twist as Jackson declares she is bankrupt

Former HSU national secretary Kathy Jackson is now an undischarged bankrupt, throwing doubt on the civil proceedings in which the union is seeking to recover about $1.3 million.