Leadership/officeholders and liability page 20 of 35

342 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Leadership/officeholders and liability

Budget confirms FWC cuts as hybrid ROC takes shape

The Fair Work Commission will get just over $74 million in funding under the 2017-18 federal budget — a 5% cut — as it loses some functions to the new Registered Organisations Commission.

May Day start for ROC

The new standalone regulator for registered organisations will start operating on Monday, May 1, with its new powers taking effect by the following day.

ACTU "muscling-up" under McManus

New ACTU secretary Sally McManus is making senior campaign and legal appointments as she seeks to build the organisation's capacity.

Labour movement leaders clash on rule of law

Opposition Leader Bill Shorten has upbraided new ACTU leader Sally McManus for expressing her support for key affiliate the CFMEU's flouting of "unjust" IR laws.

New ACTU leader to push for major overhaul of IR laws

Newly-elected ACTU secretary, Sally McManus, has blasted "corporate greed" and pledged to win major changes to workplace laws, which will include pushing for stronger action from future Labor governments.