Leadership/officeholders and liability page 18 of 35

342 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Leadership/officeholders and liability

Oaky North lockout to extend to 132 days

The giant miner Glencore has extended the lockout of about 190 workers at its Oaky North coal mine in Queensland for another two weeks, to 132 days. Meanwhile, the union that represents the mineworkers has a new general secretary.

FAAA leader remains grounded

An independent investigator's report that was due today to determine whether Flight Attendants Association national division secretary Andrew Staniforth was to be immediately reinstalled has been delayed until next Wednesday.

Court freezes seized AWU documents

The Federal Court has today made a consent order under which the AFP will not pass on documents seized in Tuesday's raids on the AWU, and the Registered Organisations Commission will not accept them, until the union's bid to stop the investigation of the matter has been heard.

AFP to investigate AWU raid leaks

The AFP has launched a formal investigation into the leaking of information about its raids on the AWU.

Dissenters decry "political motivation" for merger public interest test Bill

Coalition senators, in a new Senate inquiry report, have rejected concerns about the "ensuring integrity" bill that introduces a public interest test for union mergers, while minority Labor and Greens senators have dismissed the legislation as "politically-driven" and "politically-motivated".

McManus beefs-up ACTU legal strength with new hire

ACTU secretary Sally McManus has boosted the peak union body's industrial law capacity by hiring the CFMEU construction and general division's senior national legal officer, Tom Roberts.

Largest union's leader moving on after eight years

The ANMF has cemented its spot as Australia's biggest union – with a record 270,000 members - as federal secretary Lee Thomas announces that she will depart next month.

Hall succeeds militant McDonald at CFMEU

The CFMEU's construction and general division has elected ACT branch secretary Dean Hall to succeed militant veteran Joe McDonald as its national president.

Leader pulls court action against his union

Flight Attendants Association national division secretary Andrew Staniforth has withdrawn a court case against his union after it agreed to provide an opportunity for him to respond to "questions" and appoint former Unions NSW secretary Mark Lennon to investigate any subsequent allegations.