Leadership/officeholders and liability page 17 of 35

342 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Leadership/officeholders and liability

New reporting requirements take effect

Requirements for bargaining representatives from this week to disclose financial benefits stemming from enterprise agreements before workers vote on them will make it easier to track the revenue the deals generate for unions, employers say.

CPSU's Flood wins another three years

CPSU national secretary Nadine Flood has been re-elected for another term after decisively knocking out challenger Amelio Sarchese for the third consecutive time, while the rest of the executive has been returned unopposed.

Ruling expected this week on AWU bid for Cash documents

The AWU is seeking access to documents on the "political purpose" of the Registered Organisations Commission's decision to investigate past donations by the union, the Federal Court has heard.

FAAA secretary dismissed for gross misbehaviour

The Flight Attendants Association national divisional council has dismissed secretary Andrew Staniforth for gross misbehaviour and neglect of duty, amid a bruising dispute which has taken its toll on all parties.

Setka's threats thwart CFMEU FoI bid

Information Commissioner Tim Pilgrim has taken into account CFMEU construction and general division Victorian branch leader John Setka's threats to ABCC inspectors at a recent rally in finding it against the public interest to disclose the identities and contact details of the watchdog's personnel that the union sought under FoI provisions.

Kathy Jackson trial might take three months

The trial of former HSU leader Kathy Jackson will call about 90 witnesses and might take three months, the Victorian County Court heard today.

Cash to be grilled again over AWU raids next month

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash faces another grilling in Senate Estimates hearings over the AFP's raids on the AWU at the behest of the Registered Organisations Commission.