Leadership/officeholders and liability page 1 of 35

342 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Leadership/officeholders and liability

TWU piggybacking on new FWC powers to build membership

The TWU says it will "deploy significant and focussed resources" on a campaign to recruit more gig workers, as the FWC prepares to exercise its new powers to set minimum standards in that sector and in road transport.

Court tosses out ROC case against MEU leader

The Federal Court has thrown out a "time barred" former ROC case accusing a MEU mining and energy division president of misusing his union credit card to cover a series of private expenses in the 2016 financial year, while also finding no evidence of dishonesty.

Cain exit adds to CFMEU shake-up

CFMEU national secretary Christy Cain has given notice that he will leave the role in June, paving the way for further leadership change at the militant union covering construction and maritime workers.

Combet to chair Future Fund, drop "just transition" role

Former ACTU leader Greg Combet will replace former Coalition treasurer Peter Costello as chair of the Future Fund Board of Guardians, necessitating him stepping down from his leadership of the Federal Government's "just transition" agency, Treasurer Jim Chalmers announced this morning.

FWC issues first RO enforceable undertaking

The first enforceable undertaking under the FWC's restored registered organisations powers provides for a union to further train its officers on the conduct of elections.

Vale IEU leader John Quessy

The IEU is mourning the passing of former federal president and NSW/ACT secretary John Quessy, who spearheaded its long-running Teachers are Teachers campaign to gain parity between university-trained early childhood teachers and their counterparts in primary schools.

Court clears way for UWU to dismiss organisers

The Federal Court has refused to restrain the United Workers Union from dismissing two organisers who claim it subjected them to unlawful adverse action, finding the union's evidence "all-but-overwhelming".

Court to inquire into AMWU election in December

The Federal Court has today ordered an inquiry in December into this year's election for the AMWU NSW branch assistant secretary, after it last week accepted that a text message in support of the incumbent's campaign might have favoured her.