Rules and rule changes page 7 of 17

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Omnibus IR Bill inquiry to report in March; & more

Omnibus IR Bill inquiry to report in March; New inquiry into insecure employment; Submissions due in February for APS capability inquiry; Inquiry considering axing retired judges' pensions for past misconduct; and VACC seeking name change.

Porter to introduce union de-merger legislation

In a move triggered by the CFMMEU's internal war, IR Minister Christian Porter has revealed plans to introduce legislation next week to enable parts of amalgamated unions to de-merge within five years of their nuptials.

Flight crew union set to merge with TWU

VIPA, the union covering pilots at Virgin Australia, is preparing to sign a memorandum of understanding to move towards amalgamation with the TWU.

Leadership settled in newly-unified FAAA

The AEC has confirmed that candidates for leadership positions in the Flight Attendants' Association's new unified structure have been elected unopposed, making Teri O'Toole its first federal secretary in control of international and domestic assistant secretaries.