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No prosecutions after ROC winds-up AWU donations probe

The ROC has wound up its three-year investigation of the AWU's historical $264,000 in donations that led to the infamous raid on the union's Melbourne and Sydney headquarters, finding the union breached registered organisations laws when it failed to authorise any of the 20 donations under the spotlight, but has decided against taking any further action against individuals or the union.

CFMMEU outcasts awarded $380,000

Two CFMMEU construction division organisers have each been awarded almost $190,000 after a court found the union ousted them for "disloyalty" over their decision to go public with claims that its NSW branch had criminal links.

Union expels protesting anti-vax members

The CFMMEU construction and general division's Victorian branch has expelled eight members who took part in violent anti-vaccination protests in September outside its Melbourne offices.

Sacked union official sues over alleged gambling discrimination

A former ETU official is suing over his expulsion from the union for credit card misuse and refusing to apologise for an alleged assault, claiming discrimination on the basis of his gambling addiction and that the matters had already been finalised under the branch's previous leadership.

No "irregularities" in O'Connor's re-election: Court

The Federal Court has concluded its inquiry into the CFMMEU manufacturing division's recent election that overwhelmingly returned Michael O'Connor as national leader, finding no "irregularities" in six candidates having their nominations disallowed and 83 alleged members being denied the opportunity to vote.

CFMMEU mining division seeks to overturn demerger ruling

The CFMMEU's mining and energy division last night lodged an appeal in the Federal Court against last week's FWC decision that rejected its application to withdraw from the amalgamated union.

Court heads off CFMMEU's subterranean turf bid

The CFMMEU has failed in an interlocutory court bid to enter tunnelling sites at Brisbane's $5 billion Cross River Rail Project, in the midst of a demarcation dispute with the AWU.

Driving forklift for 95% of time does not make a forklift driver: FWC

The CFMMEU has lost its bid for orders requiring Dulux to bargain with it on behalf of warehouse workers after the FWC found a delegate who spends all but a few hours of his working week operating forklifts is not a forklift driver for the purpose of its eligibility rules.