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ResMed loses bias case

A tribunal has rejected ResMed's previously stalled claim of bias in its continuing majority support determination battle with the AMWU.

FWC warns FSU not to share bullying complaint with national executive

The FSU's national executive "intervened" to stymie national secretary Fiona Jordan's plan to engage an external investigator to examine a senior industrial officer's bullying complaint against assistant national secretary Geoff Derrick, a FWC decision has revealed.

Coles clears another hurdle to single retail deal

Coles Supermarkets is a step closer to putting to ballot a single retail deal covering 80,000 workers, after the Fair Work Commission comprehensively rejected a TWU scope order application for online delivery drivers, finding they were an "integrated and integral part" of the company's retail operations.

"Absolute" FOA might have averted Qantas shutdown: Union

The licenced aircraft engineers' union is urging the "liberalisation" of union coverage rules, saying that if they didn't exist at all, the industrial unrest that fuelled the bargaining battle between the union and Qantas might have been diminished before the airline dramatically shut down its operations and locked out its workforce in 2011.

Judge upholds removal of senior union position

The NSW Public Service Association says its axing of an assistant secretary position has boosted its war chest to fight the state government's electricity privatisation plans.

Barrister's report exonerates CFMEU officials

An investigation commissioned by CFMEU national secretary Michael O'Connor has cleared NSW construction and general division branch officials of going soft on building companies associated with Sydney business identity George Alex and of bullying two organisers who raised the allegations.

Police charge Employee Ombudsman with fraud

South Australian Employee Ombudsman Stephen Brennan has been charged with falsifying accounts and dishonesty when secretary of the TCFU's former SA/Tasmanian branch, while the Fair Work Commission is continuing to investigate the branch's financial affairs.