Coverage/representation page 10 of 11

110 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Coverage/representation

FWC grants MSD ballot to Coles meatworkers

The AMIEU is urging more than 2000 Coles meatworkers to vote in favour of bargaining for a dedicated national agreement for the retailer's meat department, warning that if they fail to strike a deal they are "open to further attack by the SDA" and will be unable to achieve reasonable pay rises.

Bench derails RTBU bid to extend coverage to mining

An FWC full bench has confirmed that the Rail Tram and Bus Union is not entitled to represent the industrial interests of members covered by a new agreement for the maintenance contractor serving Fortescue Metals Group's rail operations in the Pilbara.

HSU NSW branch to clear debts within three years

The HSU's NSW branch says it will clear the debt generated by its corrupt former leadership within two-and-a-half-years, thanks in part to an aggressive savings strategy and a new recruitment focus in aged care and private health, as it prepares to reveal a substantial donation to the ALP to fight the Coalition's "draconian" attack on unions.

CPSU maintains coverage of privatised careworkers

The FWC has granted a CPSU bid to maintain coverage of about 500 office-based NSW Government Home Care employees transferred to a private disability and aged care service, after finding neither the ASU nor the HSU could more effectively represent them.

Rail union shunted out of the Pilbara

The FWC has ruled that the Rail Tram & Bus Union is not entitled to represent the industrial interests of members covered by a new agreement for the maintenance contractor serving Fortescue Metals Group's rail operations in the Pilbara.