Coverage/representation page 5 of 12

111 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Coverage/representation

Pilots' union spreads its wings

The AFAP has regained the right to represent all mainline Qantas pilots after the FWC dismissed objections from the Flying Kangaroo and AIPA that it will create disharmony, inefficiency and a two-tiered system at an already challenging time.

Flight crew union set to merge with TWU

VIPA, the union covering pilots at Virgin Australia, is preparing to sign a memorandum of understanding to move towards amalgamation with the TWU.

Leadership settled in newly-unified FAAA

The AEC has confirmed that candidates for leadership positions in the Flight Attendants' Association's new unified structure have been elected unopposed, making Teri O'Toole its first federal secretary in control of international and domestic assistant secretaries.

Rule change streamlines ASU leadership team

The FWC has granted the ASU a rule change allowing it to abolish one of two assistant national secretary positions and exercise more flexibility in light of COVID-19 when scheduling meetings and its national conference.

Setka repels O'Connor bid to halt poaching

The Federal Court has today thrown out a bid by CFMMEU national secretary Michael O'Connor to stop the construction division Victorian branch run by John Setka from poaching members from the manufacturing division.

MUA operating on our turf, says ABCC

The ABCC, in opposing entry permits for CFMMEU maritime division leaders, is relying on the view that they fall within its jurisdiction because they are officials of a "building association".

Doctors' union and AMA to face off in court

The Australian Salaried Medical Officers' Federation is suing the Australian Medical Association, accusing it of unlawfully scrapping a joint-membership arrangement under which the union provided IR services.

Accept major civil projects are ours: AWU to CFMMEU

An AWU leader has called on the CFMMEU's construction division to accept that courts and tribunals have determined that the AWU is the "principal union" in civil construction and tunnelling.