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282 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Finances and governance

Construction union's unity shattered after deputy resigns

The CFMMEU construction and general division's pledge overnight of its "full support" for embattled Victorian branch secretary John Setka has been undercut by the resignation today of his deputy, Shaun Reardon, due to "irreconcilable differences" with his boss.

Setka blue sparks demark battle

The leadership of the CFMMEU construction and general division's Victorian branch has pledged to "no longer recognise traditional long-held membership coverage and demarcation lines" with unions that have called for the resignation of John Setka.

AWU claims turnaround, but ROC losing patience

The AWU claims to have arrested its membership losses, with a new back-office system recording a "modest" increase in numbers, but the ROC is growing impatient, accusing the union of lacking urgency and transparency in rectifying its reporting after it first raised issues about inaccurate data more than two-and-a-half years ago.

AWU weighing-up new membership fee structure

The AWU's national leadership is pushing for a "progressive fee structure" that would involve bigger contributions from higher-paid workers and ditching the current flat-fee regime.

No interest in Shorten's links to donations: Cash

Former Employment Minister Michaelia Cash has told the Federal Court that it was "not of interest" to her that alleged union donations she referred to the Registered Organisations Commission involved the Federal Labor leader Bill Shorten.

Pre-trial order for AFP to give statements to AWU

The Federal Court has ordered that the AFP produce statements made by former Employment Minister Michaelia Cash and three other witnesses during the police inquiry into media leaks about raids on the union's offices in 2017.

Union watchdog investigating Victorian HSU branch

The HSU's Victorian No 1 branch says a Registered Organisations Commission investigation into claims it cashed-out leave and RDOs to fund a private legal bid refers to secretary Diana Asmar's successful 2014 court action that knocked out two leadership challengers.

Court fines union leader for late financial reports

The Federal Court has fined ANMF WA branch secretary Mark Olson $6,600 for his "laxity" in failing to ensure the union submitted financial reports on time for three years in a row.

ROC expects to hear more from whistleblowers in 2019

The Registered Organisations Commission believes that whistleblower disclosures will increasingly underpin its work from next year as it steps up efforts to encourage unions and employer bodies to establish "speak up" cultures.