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"Unfathomable" that staffers would lie: Cbus head

The Cbus superannuation fund found it "incomprehensible" that two senior managers would lie about leaking members’ personal information to the CFMEU, the Heydon Royal Commission heard today.

AWU seeking to axe deals, as revelations force Melhem's hand

The AWU is seeking to terminate a substandard cleaning agreement exposed in the Heydon Royal Commission, while former Victorian branch secretary Cesar Melhem has stepped down as Labor whip in Victoria's upper house, after the inquiry criticised workplace deals struck during his leadership.

Cleanevent deal wasn't my baby, says Premier's advisor

A former AWU Victorian branch organiser has denied responsibility for a side deal with a cleaning company to pay an annual $25,000 "service fee" to the union while casual employees missed out on penalty rates.

$25,000 "training" payment halted "community picket"

The construction firm Downer EDI paid $25,000 to help end a "community picket" of a heliport being used to fly workers to a Bass Strait gas project, the Heydon Royal Commission heard today.

Victorian AWU cooked its membership books: Stoljar

The AWU's Victorian branch received money for running training sessions for employers which was recorded in its accounts as membership dues, the Heydon Royal Commission has heard.

Unions commit to $13m political campaign fund

The ACTU’s Congress has today endorsed a three-year, $13 million political campaign strategy will use unexploited seams of “gold” data held by unions, combined with boots on the ground in 35 marginal seats.

Heydon seeks views on adopting US RICO regime

The Heydon Royal Commission has today asked for further submissions on the introduction of US-style anti-racketeering laws "to combat unlawful activities" in the construction industry, while noting it would constitute "a significant step requiring detailed and careful consideration".

FWC warns FSU not to share bullying complaint with national executive

The FSU's national executive "intervened" to stymie national secretary Fiona Jordan's plan to engage an external investigator to examine a senior industrial officer's bullying complaint against assistant national secretary Geoff Derrick, a FWC decision has revealed.

Heydon canvassing bigger fines for union officials next week

The Heydon Royal Commission will next week issue a discussion paper that will canvass whether penalties for union officials who breach their duties should be brought into line with those for company directors under the Corporations Act.