Finances and governance page 18 of 29

282 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Finances and governance

FWC says HSU branch in danger of insolvency

The Fair Work Commission has warned the HSU's Victoria No. 1 branch that it needs to address its operating losses to ensure it remains solvent.

Unions should learn to live with ROC: Forsyth

RMIT academic Professor Anthony Forsyth has told a forum on the Heydon Royal Commission that he has shifted his position on whether a specialist regulator of unions and employer organisations is justified, and now believes unions should accept the Coalition's proposed Registered Organisations Commission.

Heydon stops short of pushing for CFMEU's deregistration

The Heydon Royal Commission has recommended that the Turnbull Government introduce special legislation to disqualify officers of the CFMEU who are deemed by Parliament to be not to be fit and proper persons, while stopping short of recommending the union's deregistration.

HSU's Jackson fails to overturn repayment order

Former HSU national secretary Kathy Jackson has today failed in her attempt to appeal a Federal Court decision for her to repay about $1.4 million to her old union.

Embattled NUW branch makes big loss on media play

The NUW's troubled NSW branch faces a complete $250,000 write-down on its investment in a failed media company, Manic Times Pty Ltd, while the union's national secretary has confirmed it proceeded with a fundraiser that came under fire in the Heydon Royal Commission.