Finances and governance page 17 of 29

282 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Finances and governance

AFP acted lawfully during CFMEU raid: Court

The AFP acted lawfully and had reasonable grounds to seize and copy electronic files during last year's raid on CFMEU offices in Brisbane, the Federal Court has found.

FWC acts on Heydon CFMEU referral

The Fair Work Commission's general manager has launched an inquiry into the actions of former leaders of the CFMEU construction and general division's NSW branch, after the Heydon Royal Commission referred the matter to the tribunal.

HSU NSW branch to clear debts within three years

The HSU's NSW branch says it will clear the debt generated by its corrupt former leadership within two-and-a-half-years, thanks in part to an aggressive savings strategy and a new recruitment focus in aged care and private health, as it prepares to reveal a substantial donation to the ALP to fight the Coalition's "draconian" attack on unions.

FSU leader's case against union returns to FWC

Proceedings brought by FSU national secretary Fiona Jordan against her union have returned to the Fair Work Commission, as an internal power struggle continues.

Lambie opposed to ABCC Bill

Key senator Jacqui Lambie says she will not support the Turnbull Government's legislation to re-establish the ABCC.

ABCC Bill doesn't address Heydon's union governance focus: Academic

The Turnbull Government is seeking to make a direct link between the Heydon Royal Commission's findings and the ABCC legislation that looks set to be a double-dissolution trigger, but there is no concrete policy connection between the two, according to a leading IR academic.

Media union seeks broader support base

The MEAA's federal council has approved a rule change to create a new low-cost "associate membership" category that will enable members of the public to support its campaigns.