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Organic growth not mergers on agenda for new AWU leader

The AWU kicks off its biennial conference today, with new national secretary Daniel Walton seeking to revive falling membership and protect jobs in key industry segments rather than pursue mergers with other unions. Meanwhile, the FWC has been questioning the "integrity" of the union’s reported membership numbers for the five years to 2014.

FWC GM's probe targets former AWU leader

The Fair Work Commission's new investigation into the AWU's Victorian branch and its former secretary, Cesar Melhem, will extend to the notorious Cleanevent enterprise agreement.

New Labor senator lauds HSU leader in first speech

New Labor Senator Kimberley Kitching has hailed her former boss at the HSU's Victoria No 1 branch, Diana Asmar, as "inspirational", while thanking other state union leaders for their support.

One Nation likely to back IR bills: Roberts

Pauline Hanson's One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts says the party is inclined to back the ABCC and ROC bills, while it will also push for the federal government to get out of IR regulation and to beef-up the ACCC to police anti-competitive conduct by companies and unions.

HSU's Jackson bailed, gives up passport

Former HSU national secretary Kathy Jackson has given up her passport and must continue to reside in her Wombarra home near Sydney after appearing today in Melbourne Magistrates' Court.

Police charge HSU's Jackson

Victorian police have charged former HSU national secretary Kathy Jackson over financial dealings during her time at the union.

FWC won't pursue former CFMEU NSW leaders

The Fair Work Commission will take no further action on a referral from the Heydon Royal Commission concerning ex-CFMEU construction and general division NSW branch secretary Andrew Ferguson and another former official.