Finances and governance page 15 of 29

282 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Finances and governance

Farmers use fighting fund to battle FWO in piecework test case

The National Farmers' Federation will argue the FWO has misconstrued the horticulture award's piecework provisions in a Federal Court case it believes has the potential to remove much of the incentive to work across the entire sector.

Life membership might help unions turn corner: McManus

A recruitment system tailored to retain "members for life" regardless of changing jobs or circumstances will help plug the union movement's "leaky bucket", ACTU secretary Sally McManus told today's NexGen2017 conference.

Court fines TWU WA officials for ute purchases, redundancy payout

The Federal Court has today ordered former TWU WA branch secretaries Jim McGiveron and Rick Burton to pay more than $65,000 in penalties, mostly for their roles in purchasing two "luxury utes" for their personal use and arranging a redundancy payment of almost $400,000 to McGiveron.

May Day start for ROC

The new standalone regulator for registered organisations will start operating on Monday, May 1, with its new powers taking effect by the following day.

Start date for ROC pushed back

The timetable for having the Registered Organisations Commission up and running appears to have slipped, with a new target adopted for it to be in place by the end of June.

NUW frustrated in bid to cross-examine former leader

The NUW has today asked its former NSW leader Derrick Belan about evidence he gave to the Heydon Royal Commission, as it defends his brother Nick's unfair dismissal claim in the FWC.