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Dissenters decry "political motivation" for merger public interest test Bill

Coalition senators, in a new Senate inquiry report, have rejected concerns about the "ensuring integrity" bill that introduces a public interest test for union mergers, while minority Labor and Greens senators have dismissed the legislation as "politically-driven" and "politically-motivated".

Leader pulls court action against his union

Flight Attendants Association national division secretary Andrew Staniforth has withdrawn a court case against his union after it agreed to provide an opportunity for him to respond to "questions" and appoint former Unions NSW secretary Mark Lennon to investigate any subsequent allegations.

ROC launches inquiry into HSU branch, investigation of CEPU

The ROC has launched an inquiry into the HSU's Tasmanian branch over an alleged "termination payment" provided to former state secretary and current national secretary Chris Brown, while the CEPU has dismissed an ROC investigation into reporting breaches as a scare tactic.

FWC hearing Together bid to overturn ROC ruling

An FWC full bench is today hearing a challenge to a Registered Organisations Commission ruling that Queensland's Together union breached the registered organisations regulations, exposing it to penalties, when its leader made a "considered decision" to delay lodgement of election information.

State employer peak body fails to claw back $2.6 million

Business SA has lost its bid for a charitable purpose payroll tax exemption plus a refund of more than $2.6 million already paid, after a court found its primary purpose is providing policy advocacy to benefit businesses rather than advancing trade and commerce.

ROC amends case against TWU after disk discovery

The ROC has updated its Federal Court claims against the TWU after the union found a back-up of its Queensland membership database it said was lost when the outgoing state secretary made all the branch's employees redundant in 2010, but the watchdog says it lacks vital information about who could vote.

"Sleeper" whistleblower protections ready to stir

The ACTU is preparing to train affiliates to comply with the more stringent governance requirements under the Turnbull Government's rules for registered organisations, as the new regulator develops plans to increase awareness of protections for reprisals against whistleblowers - which extend to imprisonment.