Finances and governance page 13 of 29

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New reporting requirements take effect

Requirements for bargaining representatives from this week to disclose financial benefits stemming from enterprise agreements before workers vote on them will make it easier to track the revenue the deals generate for unions, employers say.

ROC claims ASU, AIPA "undervaluing" property assets

The ROC has told the ASU's national office that it might have undervalued its Melbourne and Canberra property holdings by $2.6 million in its 2016-17 financial report, but the union maintains that it complied with accounting standards in writing-down their value.

Ruling expected this week on AWU bid for Cash documents

The AWU is seeking access to documents on the "political purpose" of the Registered Organisations Commission's decision to investigate past donations by the union, the Federal Court has heard.

Kathy Jackson trial might take three months

The trial of former HSU leader Kathy Jackson will call about 90 witnesses and might take three months, the Victorian County Court heard today.

Cash to be grilled again over AWU raids next month

Employment Minister Michaelia Cash faces another grilling in Senate Estimates hearings over the AFP's raids on the AWU at the behest of the Registered Organisations Commission.

FAAA leader remains grounded

An independent investigator's report that was due today to determine whether Flight Attendants Association national division secretary Andrew Staniforth was to be immediately reinstalled has been delayed until next Wednesday.

Court freezes seized AWU documents

The Federal Court has today made a consent order under which the AFP will not pass on documents seized in Tuesday's raids on the AWU, and the Registered Organisations Commission will not accept them, until the union's bid to stop the investigation of the matter has been heard.

AFP to investigate AWU raid leaks

The AFP has launched a formal investigation into the leaking of information about its raids on the AWU.