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ROC pursuing AWU, Melhem over "inflated" membership numbers

The Registered Organisations Commission has initiated a prosecution of the AWU's Victorian branch and its former secretary, Cesar Melhem, for allegedly failing to remove 2,000 unfinancial members from the books over a five-year period through to 2013.

FSU shaping for election battle

An FSU election that opens later this month looks likely to be heavily contested, with the AEC verifying the nominations of would-be challengers in the first ballot since national secretary Julia Angrisano replaced Fiona Jordan in the wake of a bitter brawl with the executive.

United Voice cleans up with property sale

United Voice has substantially boosted its coffers by selling a fully-leased office building in Sydney's Haymarket for almost $146 million.

Green light for AMWU makeover

Two years after a forecasts of a membership wipeout fuelled soon-abandoned merger discussions with United Voice, the AMWU has approved a major overhaul of its structure and governance to take effect from July 1 next year.

AMWU restructures in response to membership decline

The AWMU is holding a three-day special national conference to consider a plan to overhaul its governance, structure and operations, as it seeks to revive a membership base that has dropped by more than half over the past 15 years.

Hiatus for AWU case against ROC

The Federal Court has agreed to delay the trial of the AWU's bid to block the Registered Organisation Commission investigation that led to police raids on the union's offices last year.

Merger to proceed after stay fails

Employer groups have failed in their bid to delay the March 27 CFMEU-MUA-TCFU amalgamation, but have taken solace from a senior FWC member's observation that their April 9 appeal to an FWC full bench "surmounts the fairly low bar of being arguable".

Union officials say they were unlawfully bugged

Former union leader Julie Bignell is among of a group of senior elected officials and employees of Together Queensland who have complained to the ROC and privacy commissioner over alleged unlawful and unauthorised covert in-house surveillance of their emails and keystrokes during a protracted merger process completed three years ago.

AWU commissions review of membership systems

In the lead-up to the AWU wielding its numbers at the ACTU Congress in July, the union has commissioned a "modern membership project" after the Registered Organisations Commission recommended that it undertake an external audit to correct historical discrepancies in its enrolments.

ACTU pursuing new income stream

The ACTU is seeking to hire a fundraising and bequests program coordinator as part of a strategy to diversify its funding base, which largely relies on fees and levies paid by affiliated unions.