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Judge should have signalled departure from script: Bench

A judge denied the TWU procedural fairness when failing to provide an opportunity to argue against his unsignalled departure from an agreed position between the union and the ROC before imposing a $270,000 penalty for serious record-keeping breaches, a Full Federal Court has found.

Crossbencher won't back "integrity" bill

A key independent senator says he will not support the Morrison Government's legislation to make it easier to deregister unions, introduce a public interest test for mergers and ban law-breaking officials, instead calling for a strong response to the finance scandals exposed at the Hayne Royal Commission.

AFP liaising with prosecutor in AWU raids probe

The Federal Court has heard that "another agency" is now involved in the Federal Police investigation into media leaks about last year's raids on the AWU's offices.

Firies defend debt recovery demands

The UFU's Victorian branch has defended using debt collectors to pursue unpaid dues from some members, who reportedly objected to paying an annual levy to fund the union's litigation costs.

ROC responds to apparent whistleblower tip-off

The Registered Organisations Commission is seeking information from the HSU's Victorian No 1 branch, in response to what is alleged to be a protected disclosure from a whistleblower.

New leadership for AWU in Queensland

The AWU's Queensland branch will soon have a new secretary to drive its efforts to rebuild its ailing membership and finances.

Bid to exit RO system "unusual": ROC

The NT Master Builders Association is citing a "heavy compliance burden" for seeking to cancel its status as a registered organisation and shift to a corporate structure, a move the Registered Organisations Commission says is now "very unusual".

Imprisonment for former union leader

Former NUW NSW branch secretary Derrick Belan has been sentenced to four years' jail on 60 charges that involved more than $650,000 of union funds, including personal spending on a tattoo, Botox treatments, holidays and a Harley Davidson motorcycle.

Rule change ensures equal representation in union governance

Women will make up at least half of all members elected to the Independent Education Union's federal council branches following a rule change that secretary Chris Watt says is a "symbolic" first step that he hopes will prompt its state branches to look at their own structures.