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92 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Elections

Probe led to MBAV abandoning elections exemption

The MBAV this year applied to revoke a 30-year-old exemption that enabled it to conduct its own elections, after an inquiry by the ROC into the conduct of the employer body's 2018 ballot.

ETU readies for action over underpaid casuals

The ETU's newly re-elected leadership has reaffirmed its commitment to pursue underpayments to long-term casuals, vowing to conduct a targeted national program of timesheet and wage record inspections to build its case.

New state leaders for MUA

The MUA's two senior national leaders have been re-elected for four-year terms but new chiefs have been voted up in Queensland and Victoria.

ASU leadership withstands challenges

The leadership of one of the ASU's largest branches has been returned for another term after a three-way contest.

Re-elected union leader claims mandate to lead climate action

Long-serving leader of Together Queensland, Alex Scott, says the success of his team in union elections gives it a mandate to campaign for a stronger worker voice on climate change, while its goal to raise $5 million over years will help it fight "hostile" government attacks on the public sector.

Deputy seeking to topple Together Queensland leader

After 17 years as leader of Together Queensland and its predecessor the QPSU, Alex Scott is facing a challenge from his deputy Irene Monro, who along with a former deputy has been seeking answers as to why some employees' and officials' emails had allegedly been systematically monitored by the union before and after a 2015 merger.

Burrow faces Italian test to retain top role

Former ACTU president Sharan Burrow faces a challenge to her position as secretary-general of the International Trade Union Confederation, the top job in the global union movement.