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AWU raids trial pushed back to September

The Federal Court today granted an AWU application to delay by a month the trial of its bid to quash the investigation that led to Federal Police raids on the union's offices last year.

Full court closes potential entry laws loophole

A full Federal Court has upheld the ABCC's challenge to a finding that two CFMEU officials who intentionally disregarded requests to show entry permits did not breach the Fair Work Act's entry restrictions, because they were not seeking to exercise their lawful rights.

Imprisonment for former union leader

Former NUW NSW branch secretary Derrick Belan has been sentenced to four years' jail on 60 charges that involved more than $650,000 of union funds, including personal spending on a tattoo, Botox treatments, holidays and a Harley Davidson motorcycle.

"High hurdle" halts pilots' rule change plans

The FWC has today ruled out a contentious rule change sought by a pilots union because it failed to abide by requirements to secure support from a two-thirds majority of its governing body.

United Voice joins chorus on need for industry bargaining

United Voice secretary Jo Schofield has made it clear that the union won't accept "baby steps" in moving to a universal industry bargaining system if Labor wins the next election, saying a misplaced trust in enterprise bargaining has been damaging for its members.

Double punishment rule thwarts regulators' hopes

In a significant ruling that might reduce penalties regulators can win for Fair Work Act breaches, the Federal Court has found that the legislation's double jeopardy provision prevents the imposition of separate fines for related contraventions arising from the same conduct.

Ex-CFMEU official granted permit after Damascus moment

The FWC has granted an entry permit to a former CFMEU official once fined $30,000 for blockading a worksite and abusing workers in a bid to coerce Grocon into making an agreement, hearing he became a "different person" once employed as an AWU organiser.

No wage acceleration without "rebalanced" IR system: Economist

Economist and former Australian Conciliation and Arbitration Commission presidential member Joe Isaac has called for a major overhaul of IR laws to restore the power of unions and boost the "authority" of the IR tribunal to drive wages growth.

Employer given "difficult task" to make deal compliant

An employer has been set the challenge of reverse engineering an agreement rejected on the basis it was not genuinely agreed, after the FWC observed that while achievable through undertakings it was nonetheless a "difficult task".

Court returns keys to twice-sacked prison officer

A prison officer effectively sacked twice after pleading guilty to assaulting three inmates has again won his job back, an appeal court finding that the IR commissioner who originally reinstated him had correctly focused on what is fair and just, rather than "the reputation of the government".