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1989 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Unions

Aldi deal challenges divide bench

An FWC full bench majority has refused to let the SDA amend appeals of two Aldi agreements to challenge the retailer's use of the word "leader" instead of "employer" in notices of representative rights, holding that the union must wait until the outcome of a judicial review on the same issue.

"Nightmares" over sacking decision didn't explain late appeal: Bench

A sacked Flight Attendants Association manager has failed to convince an FWC full bench to grant a one-day extension to appeal on the basis she lacked legal expertise, had "nightmares" re-reading her case and was declared by an Ayurvedic practitioner to be experiencing stress.

Foodora test case still alive

A landmark unfair dismissal case involving a former delivery rider for Foodora Australia Pty Ltd is set to continue tomorrow, despite the company last month going into voluntary administration.

Lobbying intensifies over "integrity" Bill aimed at unions

Employers and unions have stepped up their lobbying of key Senate crossbenchers as the Morrison Government seeks to revive support for legislation that would make it easier to deregister unions for regularly breaching workplace and civil laws.

Union entitled to pick apart university "change proposal": Bench

An FWC full bench has thrown out a university's attempt to sideline the NTEU over potential redundancies, rejecting as "artificial" its distinction between representing staff in face-to-face meetings and challenging aspects of the proposal once it was circulated.

Alcoa strikers spurn offer as termination bid looms

Alcoa says it would welcome an "alternative proposal" from the AWU after striking workers resoundingly rejected its latest offer, but it will not withdraw a bid to terminate the current deal.

Union, employer wrangle over correct award in overtime dispute

As the FSU and Travel Money Oz head to conciliation next Thursday over claims that the currency exchange business owes workers for unpaid overtime including attendance at "buzz nights", the parties are already at loggerheads over award coverage.

Employer receives harsh Latin lesson in deal's interpretation

Qube Ports must withdraw final warnings issued to seven Port Kembla workers who refused shift extensions, after the FWC took its bargaining team by "complete surprise" and found the employer misconstrued a common abbreviation in its agreement.