Unions page 198 of 199

1983 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Unions

$2.5 million-plus bill for HSU investigations, court cases: FWC GM

The FWC's HSU investigations and litigation have cost more than $2.5 million so far, with a further bill of up to $150,000 likely from current Federal Court proceedings against former national secretary Craig Thomson, a Senate committee has heard.

Abbott wants Royal Commission report by end of year

The Abbott Government says it has given former High Court judge Dyson Heydon a broad brief to probe employer behaviour and the role of police in industrial matters in the royal commission announced this afternoon, but the focus of its terms of reference is squarely on union misconduct.

Toll strikes deal with TWU

The Toll Group and the TWU have reached an "in principle" agreement for the company's 10,000-strong workforce, delivering a potential pay increase of 15.25% over four years and a commitment to maintain employer super contributions at 3% above the statutory minimum.

Tighe steps down, Hicks new leader

Long-serving CEPU leader Peter Tighe has resigned, handing over the union's top job to his deputy, Allen Hicks.

Union membership up slightly, but density down

Unions gained 6,000 members in the 12 months to August last year, but growth failed to keep pace with the size of the workforce, so density fell from 18.4% to 18.2% overall and from 13.2% to 13% in the private sector, according to the ABS.

ALAEA free to pursue coverage of unlicensed engineers at Qantas

The ALAEA says FWA has cleared the way for it to pursue its bid to change its rules to cover a new category of unlicensed aircraft maintenance engineers at Qantas, after a full bench today rejected an application for orders to stop it representing the workers.