Unions page 132 of 199

1983 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Unions

AWU fails in bid to dismiss coercion case

The AWU has failed in a bid to have the Federal Court summarily dismiss an FWO action claiming it took adverse action against two of its members who refused to take industrial action during bargaining with Orica.

CFMEU's "power" play fails to impress court as $540,000 in fines stand

A full Federal Court has described as "astounding" a CFMEU argument that it should not be held liable for organisers' unauthorised entries to building sites because the alleged contraventions should be viewed as an exercise of "power", rather than of a "right" defined by the Fair Work Act.

Bench rejects UFU bid to suppress Facebook dispute

An FWC full bench has lifted confidentiality orders on a fiery dispute between the UFU and Melbourne's Metropolitan Fire Board over a firefighter's allegedly offensive Facebook comments, finding that parties to the dispute must accept the consequences of open justice regardless of any embarrassment that might ensue.

Mining giant seeking to challenge entry ruling in High Court

BHP Coal is seeking special leave from the High Court to challenge a ruling that allowed the CFMEU to hold discussions in the crib room of a coal mine's dragline, but the union says permit holders could be left with nowhere to meet with workers if the company's interpretation is accepted.