Unions page 14 of 199

1983 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Unions

Most women experiencing painful periods at work: Survey

Three-quarters of working women are suffering from painful periods, according to a continuing survey conducted by Maurice Blackburn that it is seeking to open up to a broader audience, as it prepares to use the data to lobby for reproductive leave and flexible work arrangements.

Negotiations "progressing nicely" for HVAC multi-deal: AMWU

An industry group is hoping to press ahead with a pioneering multi-employer agreement for heating, ventilation and air conditioning businesses in NSW, after the AMWU provided reassurance that it remains committed to negotiations derailed by a contested union election.

Andrews' offsiders gave HSU red-carpet treatment: Corruption cop

The HSU's Victorian No. 1 branch "plainly" received "preferential treatment" from advisors to Victoria Labor Premier Daniel Andrews and his health ministers that influenced the awarding and management of a multi-training scheme in 2018 to a union-linked foundation, according to a special report by the State's anti-corruption watchdog.

Rank-and-filer challenging Crumlin for MUA leadership

Long-serving MUA national secretary Paddy Crumlin is facing a rank-and-file challenger in the union's quadrennial elections, which will also have contested polls for State leadership positions in Queensland and Victoria.

"Offensive" if work undervaluation not addressed: ACTU

The ACTU says it would be "offensive" not to heed new Fair Work Act gender equality and secure work objectives that significantly boost the case for a bigger lift to the minimum wage and award rates given the over-representation of award-reliant women in low-paid, insecure jobs.

CFMMEU demerger to go to vote next month

The CFMMEU's mining and energy division has today won FWC approval to put its demerger proposal to a ballot of its 21,000 members.

Union stalwart has historic win in federal by-election

Former long-serving union organiser and ACTU manager Mary Doyle has achieved a historic victory in yesterday's by-election for the federal seat of Aston on Melbourne's eastern fringe.