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Union slugged millions after rumination on "just" compensation

In a ruling giving close consideration to how compensation is assessed, the Federal Court has ordered the MUA to pay more than $2 million to Qube Logistics and Patrick stevedores over unlawful wharf stoppages in 2017.

Police cleared to sequester former officer's estate

A full Federal Court has dismissed the latest in a raft of cases brought by a former ABCC inspector sacked for failing to disclose criminal and disciplinary proceedings when he served as a police officer, clearing the way for NSW Police to sequester his bankrupt estate to recover court-ordered costs.

Sacked union official sues over alleged gambling discrimination

A former ETU official is suing over his expulsion from the union for credit card misuse and refusing to apologise for an alleged assault, claiming discrimination on the basis of his gambling addiction and that the matters had already been finalised under the branch's previous leadership.

No "irregularities" in O'Connor's re-election: Court

The Federal Court has concluded its inquiry into the CFMMEU manufacturing division's recent election that overwhelmingly returned Michael O'Connor as national leader, finding no "irregularities" in six candidates having their nominations disallowed and 83 alleged members being denied the opportunity to vote.

CFMMEU mining division seeks to overturn demerger ruling

The CFMMEU's mining and energy division last night lodged an appeal in the Federal Court against last week's FWC decision that rejected its application to withdraw from the amalgamated union.

Court rebuffs ABCC take on CFMMEU "corrective measures"

The Federal Court has rejected the ABCC's "cynical" view of CFMMEU-commissioned entry rights training for an inexperienced organiser who pushed over a Fulton Hogan manager when pressing to access parts of a Monash Freeway project site in 2017.

Ex-ground crew deserve answers ahead of Qantas appeal: Judge

A Federal Court judge will press ahead with hearing TWU arguments for reinstatement and compensation for almost 1700 former Qantas ground crew workers, despite the airline yesterday lodging an appeal against his decision that outsourcing their jobs was unlawful.