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Spurned AWU fails to sink rival's greenfields deal

Despite AWU objections, the FWC has approved an employer's greenfields civil construction deal with rival the CFMMEU, observing that the former's historic coverage of the sector did not guarantee a place at the negotiating table.

More blowback for repeat-offender union

A judge has walked the fine line between factoring in the CFMMEU's history of legal transgressions and imposing a sanction proportionate to the breach by adding $10,000 to penalties levied on the union after an official blew cigarette smoke in an ER coordinator's face.

Patrick, Qube took "desultory" approach to pursuing union: Court

The Federal Court has trimmed the amount of interest to be added to its $2 million-plus damages ruling against the MUA after finding that Patrick and Qube took a "desultory" approach to pursuing the union over unlawful bans at Port Botany in 2017.

Protest that flouted public health orders justified sacking: FWC

The FWC has distinguished between "regular" industrial protests and those likely to attract "public outrage" during pandemic restrictions in finding a crane company entitled to sack an operator who attended a violent anti-vax rally outside CFMMEU offices in Melbourne.

CFMMEU outcasts awarded $380,000

Two CFMMEU construction division organisers have each been awarded almost $190,000 after a court found the union ousted them for "disloyalty" over their decision to go public with claims that its NSW branch had criminal links.

Former CFMMEU branch president unfit to hold entry permit: Bench

A FWC full bench has upheld as "legally rational and reasonably available" a finding that CFMMEU construction and general division WA branch organiser Walter "Vinnie" Molina is not a fit and proper person to hold an entry permit.

High Court hears prior conduct case as CFMMEU fined $460K

The financial implications of the ABCC's Pattinson High Court case being heard today have been reinforced by the Federal Court's latest ruling against the CFMMEU, a judge acknowledging that while the $460,000 fine factored in the union's long history of contraventions it still needed to be "proportionate" to the breaches involved.

CFMMEU leader faces court over alleged credit card misuse

The ROC has begun civil penalty proceedings against CFMMEU mining and energy division Queensland district president Stephen Smyth over alleged union credit card misuse, including expenses incurred on family trips.