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283 articles are classified in All Articles > Registered organisations > Case law

Government chases fines for striking nurses

The Perrottet Government's legal action over strikes by NSW public health nurses seeks to impose fines on their union, while also offering a pathway to pursue deregistration.

"No basis" for inserting paid FDV in awards: ACCI

Ahead of Friday's final full bench hearing into the ACTU's case for introducing paid family domestic violence leave into modern awards, the ACCI says it should have "little confidence" in the cost-benefit analyses provided by the union peak body's expert witnesses.

Court declines to stay RTBU charges against official

The Federal Court has refused to grant an injunction against the RTBU's national executive hearing charges brought under the union rules of alleged "gross misbehaviour" by a Victorian-based official.

CFMMEU mining division resumes demerger bid

The CFMMEU's mining and energy division today renews its attempt to clear the way for a demerger ballot to break away from the rest of the union.

Court clears way for UFU to revive Queensland branch

The UFU's national office has won court backing to "resuscitate" its Queensland branch after a precipitous membership decline and a subsequent mass resignation by officers and delegates in 2019.

Union logo "not misleading and deceptive": Ruling

The breakaway Victorian Ambulance Union has won the right to register its trademark after IP Australia rejected claims it will deceive people into thinking it is the UWU's ambulance section and that it is misleading to call itself a union as it is not registered under the RO Act.