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Court fines union leader for late financial reports

The Federal Court has fined ANMF WA branch secretary Mark Olson $6,600 for his "laxity" in failing to ensure the union submitted financial reports on time for three years in a row.

AMMA's challenge to CFMMEU merger 28 years late: Full Court

A Full Federal Court has dismissed the Australian Mines and Metals Association's application to quash two FWC decisions approving the merger of the CFMEU, MUA and TCFU, offering a brief history lesson as to why outstanding civil penalty proceedings posed no barrier to the amalgamation.

Judge should have signalled departure from script: Bench

A judge denied the TWU procedural fairness when failing to provide an opportunity to argue against his unsignalled departure from an agreed position between the union and the ROC before imposing a $270,000 penalty for serious record-keeping breaches, a Full Federal Court has found.

Legislation says industrial action "did not happen": Bench

In a significant decision as to what constitutes industrial action, a full Federal Court has found that the legislative framework does not capture instances where a subcontractor's workers down tools with the support of their direct employer.

FWC tick for union affirmative action push

Unions are continuing to embrace affirmative action measures to increase women's participation and ensure leadership reflects membership, the FWC this week approving ASU rule changes requiring a woman to hold at least one of three new leadership positions.

Election spending law enshrines political "privilege": Unions NSW

Unions NSW will in December argue before the High Court that that the "desired goal" of State restrictions on spending by third party campaigners is to deliberately create an uneven playing field by ensuring parties and candidates enjoy a "privileged position" in elections.

Planned court security action "perilous"

The FWC has ordered Broadspectrum's WA court security and transport officers to suspend protected action, finding that banning overtime and ditching uniforms posed a risk to the public, court and hospital staff and the prisoners themselves.

Reasonable to deny employee day off at peak time: FWC

The FWC has recommended that an employer release an AWU delegate an hour early to catch a flight to the union's annual women's conference, finding it not unreasonable under the terms of its agreement to refuse her a full day off during sugarcane crushing season.

CFMMEU leader guilty of coercion, facing permit threat

A Federal Court finding that CFMMEU construction and general division Queensland branch secretary Michael Ravbar engaged in coercion and adverse action may be raised in future proceedings about his fitness to hold an entry permit.