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Union officials to pay fines despite ABCC's "hyperbolic" argument

The ABCC has enjoyed another mixed result in its campaign to bring the CFMMEU to heel, a Federal Court judge agreeing to impose personal payment orders against three officials involved in picketing a building site but rejecting argument that the union's past record should necessarily attract maximum penalties.

Bench rejects RTBU bid to prevent "corporate manoeuvring"

An FWC full bench has rejected TWU and RTBU appeals to a rule change decision allowing the latter union to continue representing members transferred to privatised bus services but which it claims will not insulate it from "corporate manoeuvring".

Probe led to MBAV abandoning elections exemption

The MBAV this year applied to revoke a 30-year-old exemption that enabled it to conduct its own elections, after an inquiry by the ROC into the conduct of the employer body's 2018 ballot.

CFMMEU's "astounding" recidivism again factored into penalties

The see-sawing jurisprudence about whether historical workplace breaches should count towards penalties took another turn today, as a judge squarely positioned in the 'yes' camp affirmed that he would continue to factor-in the CFMMEU's "astounding" record, even for trivial offences.

Qantas seeks clamp on FWC arbitrating engineer dispute

Qantas and Jetstar are seeking a Federal Court injunction stopping the FWC from arbitrating a dispute over the stand-down of hundreds of licenced aircraft maintenance engineers, plus declarations that it was outside their control.

ROC's AWU appeal heads to court; Employer body probe completed

The Registered Organisation Commission's challenge to the Federal Court's quashing of its investigation into the AWU's past donations is set to be heard next month, while the regulator has completed its investigation of an employer organisation and is awaiting advice on whether it will deregister before taking further action.

Setka repels O'Connor bid to halt poaching

The Federal Court has today thrown out a bid by CFMMEU national secretary Michael O'Connor to stop the construction division Victorian branch run by John Setka from poaching members from the manufacturing division.

RTBU wins approval to represent privatised drivers

The FWC has granted the RTBU a rule change allowing it to continue representing members transferred to privatised bus services in Sydney and Newcastle, but it has rejected proposals to extend eligibility to new drivers.

CFMMEU appeal erases publication order, but little else

A full Federal Court has largely dismissed the CFMMEU's broad-ranging appeal against more than $300,000 in fines imposed for attempting to force a contractor into signing a union-approved deal, agreeing only that publication orders served no purpose and that too much was made of an "eenie meenie miney mo!" text message.