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Rule changes will help union meet governance obligations: FWC

The FWC's registered organisations branch has certified rule changes for a prison officers' union stemming from an enforceable undertaking made after the CPSU-SPSF disclosed alleged misconduct in branch elections.

FWC gives ASU a toilet break

ASU officials will no longer have to be escorted to the bathroom when exercising entry rights at the ATO after the FWC found it an unreasonable request, while giving union delegates "time release" to accompany them would be "frankly quite ridiculous".

Union fails to pull plug on bid for demark orders

The principal contractor on Australia's largest energy transmission project has been cleared to continue its pursuit of orders blocking the ETU's expansion into the renewable energy sector, as the union engages in alleged "guerrilla" tactics of disruption and delay.

MUA's Tracey's permit returned after 10 years

The FWC has handed back MUA WA branch secretary Will Tracey's entry permit after more than a decade, finding he can "be assumed to have left behind his past propensity to engage in unlawful conduct".

MEU doubles female presence on governing body

The Mining and Energy Union's 18-member national governing body will have two positions reserved for women – up from one – after the FWC accepted "persuasive" evidence that it would make the union's leadership more representative.

Court tosses out ROC case against MEU leader

The Federal Court has thrown out a "time barred" former ROC case accusing a MEU mining and energy division president of misusing his union credit card to cover a series of private expenses in the 2016 financial year, while also finding no evidence of dishonesty.

"Implied" vote enough for union rule change

The head of the FWC's registered organisations branch has warned Australia's second-biggest union that another decision-maker might not be so accommodating in approving a rule change advanced without conducting a formal vote.

SDA wins coverage in new Subway deal

A FWC full bench led by President Adam Hatcher has granted the SDA coverage in a deal capturing six Subway stores after the union successfully challenged approval of an agreement replacing a 17-year-old deal due to be automatically axed in December.

Farmers' IR body interred after seven decades

After more than 70 years of providing IR services to Victorian farming employers, the Victorian Farmers Federation Industrial Association has been wound up.