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289 articles are classified in All Articles > Industrial action/disputes > Protected action

Unions clinch deal with "fundamentally aligned" Shell

Unions and Shell Australia have signed off on an in-principle agreement after a bitter campaign that resulted in the world's largest floating LNG platform being shuttered last month amid continuing protected strike action.

Qantas lands deals, but turbulence on horizon

Qantas has secured new deals with freight pilots and unlicenced aircraft engineers but the threat of turmoil looms, with licensed engineers voting to stop work, ground crew considering it and the FAAA claiming domestic fight attendants are facing ultimatums.

FWC knocks back Shell bid to cool bargaining dispute

Shell Australia has after failing in its bid to suspend protected action on its Prelude floating LNG platform decided to delay major maintenance work on the northern WA facility for almost a year.

Shell turns off gas as work bans bite

In what unions have decried as a "hyper-aggressive" industrial relations tactic, Shell Australia has begun shutting down its massive Prelude floating liquefied natural gas facility after receiving notice of new work bans covering the berthing and loading of tankers.

Strike vote for Qantas engineers seeking "modest" 12% raise

Qantas engineers are to consider strike action after hitting the airline with a claim for a 12% pay increase under a one-year agreement, arguing it equates to a "modest" increase of 3% per annum taking into account a four-year pay freeze.

Shoddy undercarriage for interim bans order: FWC

The FWC, in rejecting Sydney Trains' application for an interim s424 order to suspend or terminate protected action by the RTBU and CEPU, has rejected the precedent put forward by the employer as supporting its case.

Qantas asking High Court to overturn outsource ruling

The TWU is decrying the Flying Kangaroo's decision to seek special leave from the High Court to challenge the full Federal Court ruling that it took unlawful adverse action when it contracted-out its ground handling functions to prevent workers from exercising their workplace rights to bargain and engage in industrial action, while rival Virgin Australia has told its workforce that it will end its wage freeze.